
Some testimonials are quoted below. To read more testmonials, click on the button:

What Course Participants say:

'I found the course to be a breath of fresh air - a new way of approaching things and very easy to apply. It  has helped me to feel much more positive -  I  now know why I think the way I think.' S.M. Health Worker. 

'This course is vital for effective and happy living.  It should be an integral part of the school curriculum from an early age. I only wish I had discovered it sooner'  C.M., Teacher, Tyrone. 

'How I wish I had availed of  the Positive Intelligence Programme much earlier in my life. The little things that I let become big things, I could have identified and managed before they became big things!  I feel free. I think every single person on this planet should undertake the PQ Programme. It is a complete revelation.'  (Jayne, Co Fermanagh). 

Would you like to find a proven way to:       

  • reactivate your positivity
  • manage stress
  • improve your relationships 
  • achieve a better work-life balance
  • dramatically improve your performance and productivity, and 
  • feel happier and more fulfilled both at work and at home?

If you are physically fit, you can climb steep hills without physical stress.  If you are mentally fit, you can handle life’s challenges without mental stress or other negative emotions.

I am a Certified Positive Intelligence Coach. Positive Intelligence is the measure of how much of your time your mind is serving you in a positive way rather than a negative way. It is a measure of your mental fitness.  

The ‘Positive Intelligence’ course was created over 20 years ago by Stanford University Lecturer and New York Times best-selling Author Shirzad Chamine, and since then it has been taught in over 50 countries worldwide. It has a solid scientific foundation - research on 250,000 participants has shown that Positive Intelligence training consistently improves happiness, increases productivity and enhances relationships.

'Introduction to Positive Intelligence & Mental Fitness' Workshop 

This workshop (delivered in person or on zoom) introduces the concept of Positive Intelligence and teaches you how to use your mind in a positive way. Your mind is constantly hijacked by ‘Saboteurs’ or negative voices that hold you back and cause you to waste mental and emotional energy. This  workshop will show you how to: 

• Identify your saboteurs (negative voices) and the lies your saboteurs tell you 

• Recognise saboteurs at work in yourself and in others 

• Quieten your saboteur voices using simple techniques and activate positive emotions 

• Understand how to increase your mental fitness.

The workshop has been delivered to employees in workplaces in Ireland and Northern Ireland, including Chartered Accountants Ireland (Dublin), The Western Trust, Northern Ireland Civil Service and in schools, colleges and community settings.

Positive Intelligence (PQ) 6-Week Bootcamp

The Positive Intelligence (PQ) Bootcamp can help you dramatically boost your Mental Fitness in just 6 weeks. You will learn how to use your mind to serve you in a positive way and feel happier and perform better.  The Program includes the PQ App for daily guided exercises, a weekly video and 7 Group Coaching Sessions within a small group (one hour via zoom) - to answer your questions, discuss topics,  share experiences and progress, and provide ongoing support throughout the programme.. You keep the PQ App for one year (at no additional cost) so you can continue to maintain your mental fitness. Time commitment: 4 hours per week for 6 weeks

Additional Coaching Package

During the 6-week PQ Program, you can choose to have a one-to-one coaching session for each week of the programme (one hour, via zoom) to coach and support you as you identify your saboteurs and work consciously to weaken their grip on you and activate your positive emotions.

Advanced PQ Classes (for those who have completed the 6-week Program)

As a graduate of the 6-week PQ Program, you have the opportunity to continue to grow and learn under my guidance within a group setting by joining my Advanced PQ class. Advanced PQ classes (one hour) are delivered once a month for 6 months via zoom. Classes are on the last Monday of every month at 8.30 pm. You can join in January or in July. 

Each time we meet, you will learn how PQ can be applied to a particular need, e.g., using PQ to manage stress, improve relationships, improve health and wellness, to improve performance, resilience and happiness …  Sessions will be interactive and discussion-based with time for Q & A.

Benefits of ongoing monthly PQ meetings

You will have the opportunity to:

  • Continue to build on your initial PQ training and to further develop your PQ skills
  • Meet with like-minded people who are focused on growth, positivity and making lasting positive changes. 
  • Share ideas and learn from each other
  • Enhance your understanding of how you can apply PQ to real life problems and situations
  • Keep each other supported and motivated – sharing in the “magic” that’s created when Sages are working together
  • Meet, learn and grow - in a safe space for discussion and the sharing of ideas, concerns, challenges, experiences, and laughs!
  • It was really great to revise the programme and it’s amazing how you reconnect with it. It is easy to commit to once a month (MD, Nurse, Dublin)
  • Very interesting, insightful and thought-provoking; you learn a lot in a friendly, safe environment. Its done in an honest, gentle, respectful and confidential manner.  (SM, Donegal). 
  • Helen’s presentation style is relaxed and enjoyable and we always have a laugh. She encourages everyone to engage without any pressure. (AD, Teacher, Donegal).
  • Always interesting topics and lovely to meet up with everyone each month.  (EM, Tyrone).
  • Very insightful, very useful, definitely worth doing. It is a very good way of keeping the momentum going. I wish I had learned it years ago.Helen is so knowledgeable. It has been great to hear other peoples journey and share how the course has helped – we are all still learning. (MH, Midwife, Liverpool).
  • I like the openness and kindness of everyone in the group. Give it a go and be open to learning new things. (BF, Finance, Monaghan). 
  • Invest in yourself and see what happens – its never too late to change patterns. (EM, Designer, Donegal). 

How does it work

Have you tried to make changes in the past, but found it difficult to sustain them until they eventually fizzled away? How many books have your read or courses have you attended in the hope of increasing your work performance or your happiness? How many of these improvements lasted? The chances are, not many. 

Why? Because fear and mental blocks prevent you from being as extraordinary as you can be! We all have internal negative voices that work against our best interests, we will call them Saboteurs. Everyone has them. They live in our Survival brain and they cause us to waste mental and emotional energy and miss out on opportunities because of the lies they keep telling us, (such as  : ‘you’re not good enough’, and ‘there's no point in trying because you will fail anyway’), and they generate negative emotions in us such as stress, self doubt, anger, guilt or regret. 

Although we all have Saboteur voices in our minds, the good news is we also have a deeper, wiser part of ourselves (the Sage) that helps us overcome challenges, feel positive emotions (like empathy, gratitude and creativity) and remain grounded, calm and decisive even in the midst of a crisis. The more mentally fit we become, the more we can access the wiser self. 

The Science behind Mental Fitness Training:

You have negative sabotaging voices that live in your survival (limbic) brain, causing you to waste mental and emotional energy and generate negative emotions within you (like stress, self-doubt, anger, guilt, or regret).  The good news is you also have a Sage - the deeper, wiser part of you (your prefrontal cortex) that helps you overcome challenges, feel positive emotions, and remain grounded, calm, and decisive even in the midst of a crisis. Your Sage handles challenges through positive emotions (like empathy, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, self-confidence, and calm, clear-headed action). Mental Fitness Training empowers you to quieten your saboteur voices, strengthen your Sage and rewire your brain to form new neural pathways and form new habits. Research on over 500,000 participants has proven that Mental Fitness Training improves performance, increases levels of happiness, and improves relationships.  (PQ was developed by Shirzad Chamine, Life Coach, CEO  & Stanford Lecturer)


To find our more or to discuss how you could benefit from improving your Mental Fitness or to join the program, contact me via email [email protected] Places are limited and allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis.

Positive Intelligence Live Courses

(Introductory Workshops or 6 Week Bootcamp)

For details of upcoming dates for Positive Intelligence courses (Introductory workshops and 6 Week Bootcamps), please click the button below:

Work and Life Applications

You can dramatically boost your Mental Fitness and PQ Score within six weeks.  Improving your mental fitness can improve your work-life balance, reduce stress, improve relationships at work and at home, help you build a productive team, enhance your ability to work with ‘difficult’ people, and help you find the meaning and purpose in your life.

If you would like to find out more about how you can improve your PQ Mental Fitness, Contact me via email [email protected] or Facebook messenger .

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I find time to do the Mental Fitness Program when my schedule is already overloaded?

    I realise you are all very busy, yet is spending a short time learning how to use your time and energy more productively not a good investment? Is it your Sage or your Saboteurs telling you not to take this opportunity to live a happier and more productive life? And the techniques you will use to increase your PQ all take 10 seconds or less and have been designed to fit your busy work schedule and personal life. Committing to the PQ practice doesn’t add a burden to your life. It reduces the burden that is already there.

  • How much time and effort is required?

    You'd be committing to watching a 1-hour video once per week and doing a combined total of 15 minutes per day of practice guided by the Positive Intelligence app exclusively designed for this program. This might sound like a lot of time. but it constitutes less than 2% of your awake time for the duration of the program, and your Saboteurs are costing you far more than 2% of your time, effort, energy, and productivity. Consider what this small investment in your time now could save you in time and productivity for years to come.

  • How is this different from reading the book?

    You'd never learn to ride a bicycle by reading a book about it. The video session guides you through experiential exercises and the app coaches you to practice using the new techniques you are learning in the context of your own daily work and life challenges.

  • ‘I don’t have saboteurs, how can PQ help me?’

    Every one has saboteurs. They kept you alive as a child, warning you of dangers and teaching you to be cautious. Each of us will have a few dominant saboteurs and they will be different of different people and will have varying degrees of strength, but we all have them. If you would like to find out more about your saboteurs, contact me.

  • I can’t afford it at the moment

    Can you afford not to make changes to help you live a happier, healthier and more productive life? There are several payment options available. Research shows that people with high levels of Positive Intelligence earn more than their counterparts, so investing in this course is also an investment in yourself, your career and your future.

  • Where’s the evidence that is works?

    PQ is based on research by Shirzad Chamine and a synthesis of recent discoveries in Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, CBT and Performance Science. Independent Researchers Data from 275,000 people who have taken the PQ program validates the many benefits of Higher PQ, including a higher salary and greater success in the areas of work, marriage, health, friendship and creativity.

  • Even if it has worked for others, how do I know this will work for me?

    If it has worked for thousands of other people, why do you think it won’t work for you? Your Saboteurs are planting doubts again …

  • Is this the right program for me?

    This is the right program for you if you are a) committed to improving your performance and effectiveness dramatically while reducing stress, b) looking for a science-based and trusted system to make it stick, and c) willing to put in the initial effort to rewire years of mental habits that don't serve you.

  • How will I know if my PQ muscle is getting stronger?

    You can measure your PQ score at the start and at the end of the course at https://www.positiveintelligence.com/pq-score/

  • I have taken many courses that didn’t work for me. How do I know this one works?

    The reason many of the courses you took in the past had only short term benefits is that they did not teach you how to change your way of thinking and strengthen your Mental Muscle to affect change for the long term. Also they treated the symptoms rather than the cause (the Saboteurs), and had no common operating system with each training using different frameworks. Positive Intelligence teaches you one operating system that has many applications in your life and work.

  • Aren't negative emotions sometimes helpful?

    Some people believe that negative emotions are helpful. For example, they think stress gives them their performance edge, or beating themselves or others up is helpful for continual improvement. Feeling pain for a split second when your hand touches a hot stove is indeed useful, delivering an important alert. But your Saboteurs keep your hand on the hot stove, continuing to feel negative emotions which harm both performance and happiness. In this program we learn to use negative emotions as a helpful alert, and then quickly shift to the positive region of the brain that has the calm clarity, objectivity, and creativity to handle the challenge most effectively.